Arne Jacobsen candleholder
Product number: GEO-3586005
Origin: CN
Tariff: 94055000
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In stock: 14
The beautiful and iconic candleholder was designed by Arne Jacobsen for Georg Jensen. With this design, Arne Jacobsen began to move away from the organic curves of the 50s and into the more geometric shapes of the 60s, where circles and modules played a significant role.
Arne Jacobsen was one of Scandinavia's leading architects and industrial designers in the 20th century. The 'Less is more' approach to his projects places him among the absolute architectural elite of the time.
Arne Jacobsen was one of Scandinavia's leading architects and industrial designers in the 20th century. The 'Less is more' approach to his projects places him among the absolute architectural elite of the time.
Materials: Aluminium
Dimensions: Ø200 mm, H67 mm
Designer: Arne Jacobsen
Launch year: 2016
Dimensions: Ø200 mm, H67 mm
Designer: Arne Jacobsen
Launch year: 2016
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