MiiBLASTER XL speaker
Product number: MII-12031
Origin: CN
Tariff: 85182200
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In stock: 2
XL version of the popular and transportable MiiBLASTER speaker in a rainproof design in solid ABS construction and with lots of battery life and lots of power.
Whether you're going for a trip to the beach, the soccer field or a picnic with friends, it gives you the ultimate freedom to wirelessly enjoy your favorite music - anywhere, anytime.
Bluetooth 5.0.
IPX5: splash and rainproof.
Built-in power bank.
70 Watt Speaker output.
EQ function with 4 settings.
Wireless range up to 30 meters.
Battery time: up to 8 hours.
True Wireless Stereo (TWS) when connecting 2 MiiBLASTERs XL.
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