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Newport sweatshirt Womens, Grey Melange

Product number: DAB-NIM-NEWPORTWGM

Origin: CN

Tariff: 61102091

Price from EUR 48,65 (excl. VAT)
  • EUR 48,65 based on 48 pcs
  • EUR 48,95 based on 24 pcs
  • EUR 49,55 based on 12 pcs
  • EUR 55,50 based on 6 pcs
  • EUR 91,75 based on 1 pcs
Size Quantity Next delivery Stock In basket
XS 2 0
S 2 0
M 4 0
L 5 0
XL 2 0
XXL 4 0
XXXL 1 0
Nimbus light crewneck with company logo
The luxurious lightweight crewneck Newport, is a loungy but still elegant fashion statement that adds comfort and uniqueness to whatever look you might choose. This classic sweatshirt is a great go-to when you’re heading out for a casual day, but still want to look well dressed, edgy and sharp. Classy and feminine neck detail.

If higher quantity is needed please email
Fabric: 100% cotton.
Weight: 300 g/m2

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