GenePro & Nucleus management V2 - Katalog
Product number: DAB0005
Origin: DK
Tariff: 4820103000
(excl. VAT)
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In stock: 824
We have two versions of the brochure on DanBred GenePro and Nucleus Management, this is version 2. Information about getting started with GenePro and Nucleus Management – and what to expect.
Language: English (UK).
Size & dimensions
A4 (297×210 mm), 8 pages with print on both sides.
Printed on 250 g. uncoated paper. Packed and shipped in boxes.
Language: English (UK).
Size & dimensions
A4 (297×210 mm), 8 pages with print on both sides.
Printed on 250 g. uncoated paper. Packed and shipped in boxes.
Price & quantity
The price is fixed per unit regardless of quantity.
There is no fixed limit per order.
Stock & production
The brochures are kept in stock in reasonable quantities, but larger orders are printed upon customer purchase.
Want to print locally?
For this item, you also have the option of downloading the print file and sending it to a local printer in your area.
To download the print file, please visit the DanBred Collaborator portal
The price is fixed per unit regardless of quantity.
There is no fixed limit per order.
Stock & production
The brochures are kept in stock in reasonable quantities, but larger orders are printed upon customer purchase.
Want to print locally?
For this item, you also have the option of downloading the print file and sending it to a local printer in your area.
To download the print file, please visit the DanBred Collaborator portal
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